Thursday, 3 September 2015

Agricultural Seasons in India

1. The Kharif Season:
Crops are sown at the beginning of south-west monsoon and harvested at the end of the south-west monsoon.
Sowing Season: May to July.
Harvesting Season : September to October.
Important Crops: Jowar, Bajra, Rice, Maize, Cotton, Groundnut, Jute, Hemp, Tobacco etc.

2. The Rabi Season:
Crops need cool climate during growth period but warm climate during the germination of seed and maturation.
Sowing Season: October to December
Harvesting Season: February to April Important
Crops: Wheat, Barley, Gram, Linseed, Mustard, Masoor & Peas.

3. The Zaid Season:
The crops grown on irrigated lands which do not have to wait for monsoons, in the short duration between Rabi and Kharif crop season, mainly from March to June, are called Zaid crops (also written as Zayad crops).

These crops are grown mainly in the summer season during a period called the "Zayad crop season." They require warm dry weather for major growth period and longer day length for flowering. The main produce are seasonal fruits and vegetables. Crops: Cucumber, Musk melon, Watermelon, Bitter gourd etc.

Major Producers 
 Wheat- Uttar Pradesh
 Rice - Weat Bengal
 Sugarcane - U.P
 Maize- Andhra Pradesh
 Bajra – Rajasthan
 Cotton - Gujrat
 Bajra - Rajasthan
 Mustard - Rajasthan
 Coffee Karnataka
 Onion - Maharastha
 Potato - Uttar Pradesh

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