Wednesday, 2 September 2015

India ranking in different Indexes:

1. India ranks 119 on 2015 FM Global Resilience Index.
2. India ranked 143rd in Global Peace Index.
3. India is home to the highest number of hungry people in the world, at 194 million, surpassing China, according to United Nations annual hunger report.
4. India‘s consumer confidence score rose to 130 followed by Indonesia (123) and Philippines (115).
5. India has emerged as the second-most trusted country in the world in terms of faith reposed on its institutions. The list is topped by UAE with 84 per cent trust.
6. Transparency International India (TII) – Corruption Index – India ranked 85th among 175(Denmark topped)
7. World Bank - Ease of Doing Business" report - India ranked 142 among the 189 countries (Singapore top)
8. World Economic Forum's 2015 Gender gap index – 114 (Iceland top the list followed by Finland & Norway)
9. Global Hunger Index Report 2014: 55 (Mauritius top followed by Thailand and Albania)
10. Human Development Index 2014 – 135 (Norway top followed by Australia).
11. Intellectual property (IP) environment 2015 – 29 (US ranked on the top, Thiland last)
12. World Press Freedom Index 2015 - 136 in the list of 180 countries
13. World's best countries for doing business 2014 – 134
14. Global Peace Index 2014 – 143 (Iceland top the list while Syria the most violent place)
15. Global Innovation Index 2014 - 76
16. Global Competitiveness Index 2014 -71 (Switzerland is the most competitive economy, followed by Singapore). 

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